Landscape Planning

When designing landscapes, it is important to meet human, economic, and ecological needs as effectively as possible. Here, municipal landscape planning constitutes a key instrument, which is integrated into the land-use plan and serves as the basis for the sustainable development of communities, villages and cities.

When planning the ecological aspect, RIFCON’s environmental planning team stands by your side as a reliable partner – providing advice, supervision, and implementation in accordance with § 9 BNatSchG. We emphasise cost-effective and simple implementation and maintenance of the measures.

We are here to help!

Do you need planning reliability for your construction- or infrastructure project? Thanks to a large number of specialists in different disciplines, we can offer comprehensive expertise in all areas of intervention regulation under nature conservation law

The nature conservation laws of the federal states of Germany sometimes require the creation of a network of spatially and functionally connected biotopes based on the specialist plan “Landesweiter Biotopverbund” (“Nationwide Biotope Network”) – including the “Generalwildwegeplan” (“General Wildlife Corridor Plan”). This also applies to all public planning authorities, which must create biotope network plans for their plannings and measures or adapt landscape- or green structure plans accordingly.

In the field of landscape planning, our biologists work interdisciplinarily with landscape architects as well as urban planners and draw up landscape plans or landscape management plans in close coordination with the relevant authorities. Using landscape analyses and visualisations, we particularly evaluate major construction projects which may lead to an impairment of landscape, people, and human health as protected goods.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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