Our experienced team calculates consumer risk assessment and maximum residue levels (MRL). We check whether your product is suitable for global trade with regard to the MRL and identify possible trade barriers. We monitor the overall registration process for active substances and products incl. data gap analyses, monitoring of new studies and dossier preparation (AIR, dRR, JMPR, and ITP). Our experts issue reports on metabolism studies concerning plants, animals, and in vitro.
We are here to help!
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Find out how we can support you specifically in the area all around residues, metabolism and dietary safety
What can we do for you?
- MRL dossiers (OECD- and IUCLID formats)
- import tolerance petitions
- JMPR submissions
- data gap analysis
Risk Assessment
- EFSA-specific (PRIMo 3.1, PRIMo 4) and country-specific
- USA DEEM model
- GEMS model (JMPR)
Dossier Preparation
- metabolism and residues
- import tolerance
Dossier Support
- authority requests
- expert statements
Study Monitoring
- large network of experienced laboratories
- quotation gathering
- close monitoring of studies
- revision of study designs and reports
- notification
Data Analysis
- data gap analysis
- CoC and compliance with regulatory requirements
- preliminary assessment
- cost estimation
- study reports
- technical support and close cooperation with the laboratories
- MRL dossier
- active substance dossier