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Schwarz, Norman, Riffel (2007), Novel approaches in monitoring effects of pesticide products
A field experiment was conducted in Southwest France and Northern Italy to investigate potential impacts of azinphos-methyl (OP insecticide) applications in pome fruit orchards on the natural bird community.
Wang, Nikolakis, Wolf (2007), Reduction of Unvertainty in Chroni Avian Risk Assessments for Granular Organophosphate-Nematicides by the Use of Field Exposure Data and Probabilistic Risk Evaluation
First tier deterministic chronic avian risk assessments for organophosphate nematicides often indicate a high theoretical long-term risk to birds due to the generally high intrinsic toxicity of these compounds in conjunction with high application rates.
Wang, Grimm (2007), Modelling of Home Range Dynamics for the Estimation of Population-Level Impacts in an Individual-Based Model of the Common Shrew (Sorex Araneus)
Probabilistic models have recently been introduced into risk assessment methodology for plant protection products, which marks a first step into a scientific evaluation of effects, their probability and magnitude. When it is probable that an effect occurs, the next logical step in risk analysis is to evaluate which impact that effect might have on local populations of focal species.
Gissing et al. (2006), Measuring Exposure of Nocturnal Wildlife to Pesticides in Agrarian Ecosystems
According to the EU guidance document SANCO/4145/2000 the effects of pesticides on birds and wild mammals have to be evaluated. In particular information on their dietary exposure are required for risk assessment purposes.